
This page allows simple searching of words from the SOWPODS dicutionary - a dictionary often used in Scrabble tournaments. This tool was originally designed to help with Scrabble games, but is also useful for other words games and crosswords.

If you've got any suggestions for improvements, or if anything breaks, then please email me.

Word Inclusion

This search takes the input and returns all words which include the anywhere within them. For example, given test it will return a list of words including testing, tester, detest, retest, untested and contestant.

Letter Inclusion

This search takes a string of letters (eg. hdirf) as input and returns all words which include those letters anywhere within them. For the example above it will return a list of words including redshift, unfurnished, headfirst and frightened.


This does an anagram of the letters. That's about it!

Beginning with

Searches for words beginning with the specified text.

Ending with

Searches for words ending with the specified text.

Regular Expression

Searches using a regular expression. If you don't know what this is then you probably don't want to use it!